PCACS > B.Sc.B.T. Events > Vistas in Biotechnology 2017

Vistas in Biotechnology a poster competition was held at Pillai’s College of Arts, Commerce and Science (PCACS) by the Department of Biotechnology and the Biotech Association on 21st December, 2017.

The topics for this competition were wide open under the roof of Biotechnology and participants put up posters based Nanotechnology, Immunology and Virology etc.

The judges for this competition were Dr. Rishikesh Patilan Inspire faculty at ACTREC, Kharghar and Dr. C. K. Prashanth faculty member of Department of Biotechnology at PCACS. The judges were not only enthralled but amazed by the posters put up by the participants.

Vistas was inaugurated by Dr. Rishikesh Patil and the competition began at 10:00 a.m.

Students from colleges like IOS, Tilak, MGM and Jhunjhunwala participated for this competition making it a major success.

Looking forward for even more wonderful competition in the coming years.