With the ongoing activity of ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’, the Department of Biotechnology on behalf of Biotechnology Association and Environment Analysis and Conservation Team (EnACT) organized a cleanliness drive and a dengue awareness programme on 11th December, 2014. The increasing cases of dengue and environmental pollution make it a need of the hour to highlight the necessity for cleanliness in the nation. Under the guidance of Dr. K. M. Srinandhinidevi, In charge, Biotechnology Association and Mr. Gopakumar Pillai, In charge, ENACT and Mr. Akhil Nair, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, more than seventy students actively took part in the drive and cleaned the area between Panvel Railway Station and State Transport Bus Depot (Old Panvel). The students explained the necessity for cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene for a disease free society with emphasis on measures to prevent dengue and malarial attacks to the public. People from different age groups also contributed to the campaign by actively working along with the students, which highlights the accomplishment of our objective.