The Department of Bachelor’s of Science of Information Technology (B.Sc. I.T.) and Bachelor’s of Science of Computer Science (B.Sc. C.S.) of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science, organised a Seminar based on the topic “Data Analytics” on 12th August, 2016.
A Seminar on “Data Analytics” conducted by one of our Alumni which guided the students informing them about the benefits and working of the Data Analytics in IT industry.
Resource Persons:
- Mr. Nitish Patil
- Mr. Shashank Pathare
The resource person were alumni of Pillai College. They discussed benefits, features and types of Data Analytics like
- Descriptive Analytics
- Diagnostic Analytics
- Predictive Analytics
- Prescriptive Analytics
Thrust Areas of the Seminar:
- Data science applications in healthcare, education, social science, business, transportation, energy, telecommunications, science and humanities
- Big Data Architectures
- Big Data Management
- Big Data Security and Privacy
- Quality of Big Data Services
- Big Data Search, Mining and Visualization
More than 150 students were benefited by this seminar.