National Level Seminar on “Biotechnology in Diagnostics”

PCACS > B.Sc.B.T. Events > National Level Seminar on “Biotechnology in Diagnostics”

A National Level Seminar on “Biotechnology in Diagnostics” was organized by the Department of Biotechnology on Saturday 21st September, 2019. The seminar began with the inauguration ceremony followed by the keynote address by Dr. Rajesh Karla, an esteemed scientist from THSTI, Faridabad on Antibody Generation Technologies. His talk touched upon the crucial role of monoclonal antibody in diagnosing and combating of emerging viral diseases. This was followed by a session on CRISPR in Molecular Diagnostics, by Dr. Chitra Seethraman Misra, scientist from BARC, Mumbai. The talk enlightened the audience on the latest developments and applications of CRISPR, thought to be a revolutionary diagnostic tool of the recent years. The seminar was continued by Dr. Pathakota Gireesh Babu, scientist from ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai, who presented a talk on the current developments in molecular diseases using diagnostic tools.

This session was followed by a sumptuous lunch break along with 18 posters being presented by the participants. The participants had an exposure to informative posters and gained an experience in presenting scientific data. The poster evaluation round was followed by a session on various diagnostic techniques in management of diseases by Dr. Parineeta Samant from MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai. The seminar was concluded with a valedictory function where in the award for the best poster and three consolation prizes were awarded. The enlightening seminar was well received by faculty and students alike.

Organizing Committee:
Dr. C. K. Prashant
Dr. Remya Varadarajan
Dr. Navami Dayal