Fastest Finger First – Technical Event

PCACS > Computer Association > Fastest Finger First – Technical Event

On 28th July, 2018 Computer Association organised a technical event named – “fastest finger Hai Kya?” for first year students.

The idea to see the typing skills of the first year students. The event was easy as they just had to type a paragraph in a mobile application made by the computer association’s technical department. The event had two rounds in which in the first round they just had to type a paragraph in a mobile application, the students who will type the fastest will be selected for the second round, the second round was also similar to the first round just the difference was that the paragraph was a bit difficult than the first round’s paragraph.

The students showed great enthusiasm and participation no. for the event was really great as the whole lab was filled with participants. At the end of first round the 4 student’s got selected for the second round.

At the end of the event we finally got two winners for the technical round which were selected as they finished of their typing part within a short period of time.