Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

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Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

Certificate Course in Social Media Marketing

Name of Certificate CourseSOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING
Conducted byIIDE (Indian Institute of Digital Education)
Objective of Course1. Main Objective: Fill in the ‘employability gap’
2. Cross training – Interdisciplinary Education
3. Bring in Digital Marketing as career opportunities
4. Practical Application of their learning’s.
Duration15 hours (3 hour/day, 5 days) from 8th to 12th August, 2017
Fees per student4,000
No. of Student enrolled37
How did student benefit1. Learn a new skill during their graduation tenure
2. Understanding career opportunities by learning new subjects and also possibly working in such areas as interns.
3. Add value to their resume.