Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is conducted all over India. As a part of this initiative various activities are conducted by Panvel Municipal Corporation. To contribute towards this social cause Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science and Pillai College of Architecture, New Panvel in association with Panvel Municipal Corporation conducted Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in Padaghe Village and Rohinjan Village on 19th January, 2018. Under this drive wall paintings, skit performance and...Read More
When a person has high level of emotional intelligence, he empathizes with the people around and realizes his responsibility towards the society. To realize such responsibility, real life experiences and interactions are of the utmost importance. The S.Y.B.M.M. students of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science, New Panvel were given an opportunity to learn one such responsibility. They visited the Girija Foundation Orphanage on 19th January, 2018 and provided...Read More
The N.S.S. Unit and Management Association of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce & Science in association with Ashoka Buildcon Ltd. organized Road Safety Awareness on the occasion of National Road Safety Week on 17th January, 2018. The guest speakers emphasized the need for following traffic rules, wearing helmet, avoiding use of mobile phone while driving and drunk driving. The program also incorporated an array of programmes like poster making and...Read More
On 14th January, 2018, a group of five students from T.Y. B.M.M. took an initiative to pay a visit to children belonging to the orphanage called the Robin Hood Army in Navi Mumbai. They assisted the street kids in doing their work, interacted with the students, taught them new things, played games and so much more. It was indeed an experience that words cannot justify. An ex-perience we all should...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.