Foldscope 2019

PCACS > B.Sc.B.T. Events > Foldscope 2019

Department of Biotechnology had organized one day workshop on “FOLDSCOPE” technique on 4th January, 2019. Dr. Anupma H. W., Indo-US Foldscope awardee from Ministry of Science and Technology was invited to conduct this workshop.

A Foldscope is an optical microscope that can be assembled from simple components, including a sheet of paper and a lens. It was developed by Manu Prakash and designed to cost less than US$1 to build. It is part of the “frugal science” movement which aims to make cheap and easy tools available for scientific use in the developing world.

The event started of with a presentation in the Auditorium at 10 am on the effectiveness and the outreach of this simple, cheap and unique technique to explore the microworld. This was followed by hands on experience by all the students of F. Y., S. Y. and T. Y. B. Sc Biotechnology. Initially all the faculty members were trained individually by Dr. Anupma. They in turn along with Dr. Anupma guided the students regarding how to use the foldscope.

Different sample were studied using foldscope such as: Curd, Water, onions, potato, petals, leaves, stem, pollens, different flowers etc. the students enthusiastically explored all the samples and were very excited about the new technique that they had learnt in this session.