National Level Seminar on “Business Innovations and Idea Generation”

PCACS > News and Notifications > National Level Seminar on “Business Innovations and Idea Generation”

The Incubation Cell of PCACS conducted a One Day Seminar on “Business Innovations and Idea Generation” for students on 27th July, 2019 in the Conclave. Nischal Kapadia, who is a Company Secretary and Risk Manager of the Asset Management (Mutual Fund and PMS), an arm of Edelweiss was the guest of honor of this event.

This seminar helped students to know how to generate their ideas into business. Mr. Nischal Kapadia asked students to write down their own business ideas and then asked some of them to share their thoughts. While motivating students to generate their ideas he phrased a few lines “Idea is an idea until it is made into a business. So whenever you have an idea of something, put it into a paper. Putting your ideas into a paper can help you generate it.”

Mr. Nischal Kapadia conducting the Seminar on “Business Innovations and Idea Generation”