Rose Day 2019

PCACS > Events > Rose Day 2019

Students’ Council of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science celebrated Rose Day 2019 with Alumni on account of 50 Golden Saturdays with Alumni.

On 8th March 2019, Alumnus Ms. Prachi, Mr. Sahil, Mr. Ashish and Mr. Nabil were invited to celebrate the event. The preparation of the event was started a week before with a desk set up in the canteen area to register the dedications. The dedications were announced on Rose Day, where the dedicated person would be given a rose with chocolate.

Anchors of Rose Day 2019

Dance performace by ‘RTN’ dance group

The ‘Playlist’ band performing on Rose Day 2019

Student Council students felicitated for their outstanding contribution contribution in the council

Singing performance on Rose Day 2019

Cultural committee felicitated by UCONIC Fashion Show group

UCONIC team after the last performance of 2018-19

As part of the main event, Rose Day had various performances of dance, singing and poem recitation. The major highlight of the event was the fashion show presented by UCONIC team. It felicitated student council students who have dedicatedly worked for three years in the respective fields.

The Rose Day event was carried out smoothly with the help of the present Students’ Council Members. Being the last event of the year, students celebrated it in full excitement. The event concluded with DJ.