Faculty Exchange Program

PCACS > B.A.M.M.C. Events > Faculty Exchange Program

The department of Mass Media conducted a Faculty Exchange Program for the students of Second Year of the subject Mass Media Research. A lecture on the topic Mean, Mode and Median taught by Prof. Sindhuja Joshi.

The lecture started by the introduction of the topic, how it is co related with the subject and its practical applications. Then professor explained the students 3 methods to find out the mean of given data. Several questions were practiced to understand the topic in depth. For better understanding of students, she solved all the questions on white board and answered everyone’s doubt. Lastly students were given few questions as home work for more practice.

It was a learning experience for all the students as they got different perspective of the subject.

Prof. Sindhuja Joshi teaching sums of subject Mass Media Research

Prof. Sindhuja Joshi interacting with the students

Prof. Sindhuja Joshi interacting with the students