Workshop on “How to fit in today’s time?”

PCACS > News and Notifications > Workshop on “How to fit in today’s time?”

Staff Welfare Committee conducted One Day Workshop on “How to fit in today’s time?” on Saturday, 6th October 2018, from 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. in Conclave for the Teaching staff.

Tehsin Ratna conducting the seminar on Fitness

Mr. Tehsin Ratna giving a demonstration of an exercise equipment

Mr. Tehsin Ratna from TR Fitness gave a session on fitness, where he made teachers understand the importance of exercise, nutrition and rest. He showed live demonstration of certain fitness equipment. He delivered tips to make the individual how to remain in the state of Wellness. He also addressed the queries of the audience.

Towards the end of the workshop, he conducted a practical session to make the staff aware of their physical capabilities. Certificates were distributed to all those who had attended.