Computer Association organized an orientation lecture for the First Year Bachelor of Information Technology (B.Sc.I.T.) students in the college auditorium on 27th July, 2018. The main aim behind this orientation lecture was to make students of F.Y. B.Sc.I.T. know what the Computer Association is and what kind of events it organizes.
The event started with a brief introduction to the students about the Bachelor of Information Technology (B.Sc.I.T.) course and what all things they will be able to do after the course is completed. They were also informed about the functioning of Computer Association. It included a brief introduction of a social event that the association had recently organized in Dyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule Mahanagar Palika School. The Second Year and Third Year students went to this government school to create awareness about the harmful effects of plastic and what other things they can use as a substitute to plastic. They were also shown video clips of the earlier social events handled by their department.
Further, the students of F.Y. B.Sc.I.T. were briefed about their departmental fest – “Bitfest – Everything Starts with A Bit”. It is considered as one of the biggest college festivals of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. The First Year students were briefed through a video, to make them understand what goes in making the Bitfest successful. It specifically had an example of last year’s fest, where a gaming event – Ludo, received the maximum entries.
The event concluded with Prof. Deepika Sharma’s insightful speech, in which she briefly told them about what Computer Association means to its each and every member and the hard work that goes behind to make every event successful of the department.
The event ended on a reminder, regarding the technical event of Computer Association, which was organized for the first year batch.