The National Service Scheme of Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science, New Panvel organised a Social Camp in the adopted village, Siddhikaravle Taloja Phase 1 from 18th to 24th December, 2017. The social camp was hosted with the help of Municipal Corporation and former Sarpanch of the village. The main purpose of this camp was to promote ‘Swachhta’ in the village.
There were 100 volunteers under the surveillance of NSS Chief Program Officer of Pillai College – Professors Shabab Rizvi who did pre-planning, co-ordinating and executing of the whole camp with zeal. There were various activities planned and successfully executed like – Swach Bharat Abhiyaan, Eye check up camp, Painting walls, Planting Saplings, Teaching students of Zillaparishad School.
The volunteers also performed various skits and street plays on social evils which our prevailing in the society such as Alcoholism, Eve Teasing, Domestic Violence, Dowry, Swachta – to aware people about cleanliness etc.
The social camp also invited special lecturers for live sessions and throwing light on topics like – Disaster Management, Personality Development, importance of Eye Care and Eye Donation and Youth and AIDS awareness.
Some of the guests that graced us with their presence in the camp for guiding students on village life style and sustainability were Dr. Sudhakar Shinde – Municipal Commissioner, Mrs. Sandhya Mangesh Bavankule – Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Dr. B. S. Bidve – NSS Co-ordinator, Dr. Gajanan Wadar – Incharge Principal of Pillai College, Dr. M. A. Badgajar -Area Co-ordinator of NSS, Dr. Wani Murlidhar – District NSS Co-ordinator – Raigad, Mr. Shridhar Barajya Mahatre – Principal of ZP School, Siddhi Karole Village.
There were also some key people working in the department of Panvel Municipal Corporation who came to the camp to share their experiences and knowledge on Clean Management with the volunteers. They were Mrs. Jayashree Ravikant Mahatre, Mr. Santosh Baburao Bhoir, Mr. Dyaneshwar Suresh Patil and Mrs. Shital Dinesh Keni. The camp was structured and disciplined in nature. It was rich in knowledge and a movement to introduce human skills in the students.
The camp was conscious of not exploiting the resources of villagers and keep their consent as higher consideration. It was as a whole a fruitful experience for the college students and a helping hand for the residents of village with the guidance and active involvement of all the guests.